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Fig. 2 | Experimental Hematology & Oncology

Fig. 2

From: METTL1 mediated tRNA m7G modification promotes leukaemogenesis of AML via tRNA regulated translational control

Fig. 2

METTL1 knockdown inhibits the survival and growth of human AML cells. A Validation of the knockdown effect of METTL1 by western blot in MOLM-13 (M13) and THP-1 cells. B, C Knockdown of METTL1 suppressed cell proliferation of THP-1 and M13 cells. D, E Knockdown of METTL1 induced an increased ratio of G1-phase cells and decreased the ratio of S-phase cells. F–H Knockdown of METTL1 induced an increased cell apoptosis in THP-1 and M13 cells. F, G Representative images of flow cytometry analysis. H Quantification data. I Knockdown of METTL1 induced changes of the apoptosis-related proteins in THP-1 and M13 cells. J Validation of the overexpression effect of METTL1 by western blot in HL60 cells. K Overexpression of METTL1 promoted cell proliferation of HL60 cells. L Knockdown of METTL1 suppressed proliferation of THP-1 and M13 cells while treated with cytarabine (CYT). M Knockdown of METTL1 increased cell apoptosis in THP-1 and M13 cells while treated with CYT for 48 h. N Overexpression of METTL1 increased cell growth rates of HL60 cells while treated with CYT. O, P Overexpression of METTL1 decreased cell apoptosis in HL60 cells while treated with CYT for 48 h. O Quantification data. P Representative images of flow cytometry analysis. shNC: METTL1 control, shM1: METTL1 knockdown, CON: METTL1 control, OE-M1: METTL1 overexpression. Data were presented as mean ± SEM (Student’s t test, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001)

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